
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Giants Game

Hello Ruru,today I have done a writing task.Its about a Giants Game. There's not much to explain  just a piece of writing I wrote off Pobble 28th of April is where I got this photo.


  1. Hi Karaitiana
    I am loving your stories. I love how you are using so many different figures of speech. My son Jack and I were working on that yesterday at our home school. You have great imagination and I was really impressed with the moral at the end of this story. Do you know what a story with a moral is called?

  2. Hi Petra,thanks for the comment.Actually I am not sure a a story with a moral is called.I think t has something to do with fiction.Get ready for another story soon.
    Stay safe


    1. Oh yay, I can't wait for your next story. A story with a moral is often called a fable. Keep safe and keep up the great learning.


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