
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My Puzzle

Hey Ruru,Today I have a made something I have never made before.Its a ...PUZZLE.This is my first time making a puzzle.This was a bit frustrating but in the end I got it.If you want to make a puzzle you will need:

  1. White paper.
  2. Coloured paper
  3. Felts or crayons.
  4. Glue
  5. Scissors.
  6. Adult Supervision

If you want to make a puzzle use these simple steps:

  • Think of what you want to draw then take a pencil and start drawing your picture on a piece of paper.Press Lightly.
  • Once you have drawn your picture colour it in.You can use Felts,Crayons or if you want even water colours.The best choice is probably felts.
  • After you colour in then you grab a coloured piece of paper and glue the paper onto the coloured paper.This will give it a bit more strength.
  • Once you glue the paper onto the coloured paper then you draw on the puzzle pieces on the back.In pencil.
  • Once you cut it out put all the pieces back together and there you go.

Have you ever made a puzzle?Are you gonna try and make a puzzle? I hope you learned something new and liked my puzzle.I would like to hear your feedback as well.I also hope you will try to make a puzzle.It might be a bit hard or take up some time but once you do it I think you will like it. Stay Safe Ruru



  1. Hi Karaitiana
    I really enjoyed doing your puzzle yesterday you put alot of effort in to making it as well. Great job. Maybe we can try and make a harder one today after you finish your other tasks.
    Love You Mum xx

    1. Hi Mum,thanks for the comment.I would love to try and make a harder puzzle with you.It would e SO much fun.
      Love mum


  2. Hi Karaitiana
    Wow, I love your very clear instructions here. It would make it very easy for someone else to follow and give it a go. As for your puzzle, it is so cool, your colours are amazing and bright. Your ice-cream looks good enough to eat. What are your favourite ice-cream flavours.

    1. Hi Petra,thanks for the comment.My favourite Ice-Cream flavour is Mango or Chocolate.I like doing this puzzle after breakfast to get my mind going.
      Stay Safe



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