
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Taukapo (Maori Snap)

Hi Ruru
One task I had today was to play a game of cards so I did first with my mum and then with my brother Dayzharn.The game we played was one you have probably never heard of because last year when I was working with Mr Barrow before he left I was in a special maths group where we could earn gold badges. I chose to work for the cultural badge (maori) We had to do 12 activities to earn the badge one of the activities was to create a maths game so I made one called Taukapo with the help of my mum and my friend from last year Lita this is a video of us playing the game. After we played Taukapo my mum taught me how to play Pyramid next she is teaching me Clock Patience.
The rules It is a lot like snap. You have to know how to count in maori. 2 players you need a deck of cards. K=10,Q=10,J=10, A=1 You deal the whole deck out to all the players. At the same time the players place a card down and you have to add the numbers together for example a king and a 4 would be 14 but you have to say it in maori so you would say tekau ma wha. If the cards are the same for example a 9 and another 9 that would be 18 but remember you have to say it in maori so you would say tekau ma waru and then because they are the same cards you can slam your hand down ontop and shout TAUKAPO (snap) and you get all the cards on the pile. The winner of the game is the first one to win every card from the deck.I hope you understand and if you want to play but cant count in maori here is a guide. 1=Tahi,2=Rua,3=Toru,4=Wha,5=Rima,6=Ono,7=Whetu,8=Waru,9=Iwa,10=Tekau and then for any number higher than ten you would say ¨Tekau ma¨ and what number you need and lastly the number 20=Rua tekau.


  1. Hi Karaitiana, it's Mr Williams. What a cool game you have thought of. I like the way you have to use Te Reo Maori to play the game. I also like that you have added a guide to saying the numbers too. That's really helpful for someone like me who sometimes forgets. I think this would be a great game for Ruru to learn. Not only would it be fun, but it would be a good chance to practice/learn our numbers up to 20 in Maori. Do you think you would be up to teaching a small group this game?

    1. Hi Mr Williams,thanks fro the comment.I think I would be able to teach a small group. Im not sure but I think I will be able to.I remember when I learnt my Te Reo Maori.I played a game but Im not sure what gsme it was.
      Stay Safe


  2. Hi Karaitiana, this is such a cool game - well done! I love how well you have explained the rules and I especially like that you have given a guide to the Moari numbers. I really need to practice my Te Reo Maori so this game will be helpful for me.

    1. Hi Petra,thanks for the comment.I think this will help some other people as well.Also some in my family when the lockdown is over.
      Stay Safe



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