
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Chinese language week reading!

 Hey guys! This week since it is Chinese language week our reading has been focusing on the Chinese language :). We didnt choose any books today but read about what the dragon symbolies in China, we read a book about a race between the animals to be first in the Chinese Zodiac calendar and we also read about the ledgend of the Chinese dragon. This was really fun to learn about and the tales are very interesting and cool! Thanks to this awesome week I learnt how the dragon was created and why. ( China tribes were fighting over their spirit which protected them. The kids were sick of it and together put body parts together to make a...DRAGON! ) . I learnt about the Chinese zodiacs and I also am learning how to spell my name in Chinese.

Create task 1:

Choose your fav scene from the race and make a 5 piece comic strip.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Vector Drawing Panda and Cow

 Hey guys! This week in Ruru we were trying a new art technique. This task was on our Chromebooks. The task is called.... a Vector drawing! This is when you trace over a picture but your trace over the different lighting and make it a different colour to the rest. This may sound very complicated...and it is! But once you have done it a couple of times, it gets easier. I chose to trace around a panda in normal colours, and a cow in purple. Here is my work!





Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Creation of Night and Day....

 WALT: Analyse and evaluate the actions and story lines of Maori myths and ledgends

Hey guys! This week and last week, to celebrate Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori, for reading we have been focusing on Maori myths and legends. I chose the book, The creation of night and day.This book was about how the Maori think the world was created. Papatuanuku and Ranginui were lying on top of each other bringing darkness upon the world/them. Tāne Mahuta pushed them apart with his legs and brought light into the world. It was really interesting and was fun to learn about. I hope you enjoy my Maori work!

Create task 1:
Analyse your story. Who are the characters? Where was it set? What is the problem? What are some of the actions in your story? How did it end? How were the characters feeling?

Create task 2:
How do you feel about the decisions your character/s made? Give 3 reasons why you agree or disagree about this statement.

Create task 3:
Create a glossary for the Maori words in your book. Once you have done that, turn it into a animation and publish to your blog.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Lockdown maths pt 2! ? ( Subtraction standard form )

Hey guys! This week for maths, Ruru is focusing on subtraction using standard form with and without regrouping. In week 5 ( last week ) we focused on addition using standard form with and without regrouping. So  far I have just done my subtraction without regrouping and I did it on paper :). This was really fun and exciting to do. I got the hang of this in a couple of minutes then boom! It was easy! I hope you enjoy this and learn something new :D. I will add in the subtraction using regrouping when I am finished. Here it is...:
WALT: Use standard form to solve subtraction problems with no regrouping

Could you figure out the problems before you read the answers? If you did comment down below! I would love some feedback about anything on my work please! Thanks for reading my work :)
- Karaitiana