
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Learning to weave Harekeke Puti Puti

Hello Viewers,
Today I made some Harekeke Puti Puti (Flax Flowers)This took me 14 Minuets to do a Flower.I made a flower in the bouquet it is the one in the front of the Harekeke. Three main things to remember:

  • Before you cut the Harekeke (Flax) you have to do a Karakia. (prayer)
  • You always cut the Harekeke (Flax) on a slant/diagonal.
  • It is important to cut from the outside not the middle.

If you want to make the Harekeke here are the steps:

Have you ever made a Harekeke Puti Puti?(Flax Flower)If you have comment if you found it easy or hard.If you haven't give it a go.Remember you need Harekeke. If you dont have any you can make it out of any bendable material.For example:Coloured paper,Paper,fabric and bendy plastic.
I hope you liked this if you did comment what you liked about it and please give me some feedback.


  1. Hi Karaitiana
    I love your Harekeke Puti Puti. Weaving is one of my favourite things to do, I find it very relaxing. We did some in our bubble, right at the beginning of lockdown and what I love the most is that every Puti Puti is different. I am going to try and weave a star next, what do you think you might like to try and weave?

    1. Hi Petra,thanks for the comment.I would like to weave a bowl and cup. Mmmmm Yum.Of course I would have to give the Harekeke a good clean but anything for the food.I do think I would need some help but it will be worth it.
      Stay Safe



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