
Friday, November 26, 2021

Tammy´s writing!

Hey guys! This year Ruru and Kōtuku ( Year 2 ) have been doing buddy reading together. This week my buddy, Tammy, has written a story about her weekend. It sounds like she had a lot of fun. I wish I was there with her!! Here is her amazing and spectacular writing.

I went to the museum and I saw a big rock and then I went to go see an air plane, It was a great day in the museum.

What was you favourite thing about her writing? She would really like to know! 

Thanks for reading Tammy´s story and make sure to leave some feedback :)

Have a good day

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Camp moive!

 Hey guys! For the past 4 weeks, Ruru has been trying to make their own movie about camp. In OCTOBER! We had to add in heaps of photos and videos but our movie could be over 2 minutes. During this time, I learnt how to add text, transitions and photos/videos in Wevideo. I think I presented my movie in a good way because I think I added in a variety or people.  I found deleting premium clips the hardest because they were hard to find. The most interesting thing for me was seeing my final project. Lucky me! I have no questions about my learning. I think next time I could try work faster and add in more videos. Here is my movie!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Shape Picture

 Hey guys! This week for maths we have focused on Geometry. Our first task was to create a shape picture with shapes. We had to use all of the shapes Mrs Lee gave us. But my picture didn't have them all :(.  Before we started gluing shapes onto our paper to create a picture, we had to plan. I decided to do a dog reindeer thing, a house and a tree for m picture. After we planned we started creating with colourful paper, scissors and pencils! At first this was fun but then is got harder because for me it was hard to get all of the shapes on my paper. I rate this math lesson a 4/5 :) Here is my work!


Shape Picture:

Friday, November 5, 2021

Camp recount

Hey guys! Last week Ruru went to Living Springs for camp! This is my recount about it. It is kind of like a diary, hope you enjoy! 

October Wednesday 27 2021: 

I woke up at 7:00AM to get ready and to go to living springs for school camp! We had to be at school ready to go on the bus at 8:30AM in the morning. I had my daypack on my back and my bag with all my clothes on the bus, I was ready! The drive was about 45 or 40 minutes to get there. I kept looking out the window to see where we were. I was sitting next to my mum on the bus. When we arrived at Governors Bay, we had a quick morning tea and then… a 3 hour walk to living springs! My legs felt like noodles and they were aching. I was scared they were going to fall off. The worst thing was most of the walk was up hill :(. There was lamb poop everywhere and it really stunk. The smell filled my nostrils and I started to get frustrated. I almost stepped in some poop :/. The noise of the adults laughing made me even more angry, I just wanted to get this over and done with. When we arrived at camp we had to RACE up a hill, sadly my legs couldn't go any longer so I just sat down then walked up. As soon as I reached the top, me and my friends layed on the floor trying to relax. Stupidly, we decided to roll down the hill. Jaydah and I had a collision :D. The first activity we did was orienteering. After that we had afternoon tea which was so gooooood. After eating we had recreation games. The first thing I went on was the zipline. Then...I went on..the monorail! My favourite activity! The walk up was simply horrible :(. I sat down and buckled myself in. WHOOSH! I was off. It felt like I was going to fly off and at the end I almost went backwards. But luckily I was buckled in safely..unlike Devon :/. After the recreation games we had our very first camp auction :). I spent 1265 camp dollars to be a judge for the upcoming camp concert :/ :). I didn't get much because the teachers couldn't hear me and people were spending thousands of dollars on 3 lollies. What a waste. When the auction ended it was dinner time! When dinner was over the camp concert started. My group went first. We danced to the song ¨35 Ka Hao¨. Then after we were scored by the judges ( All 10 :) ) I sat down and judged everyone else. After the concert we had..SWIMMING! It was very fun because me and my friends created a splash tag game with some boys. When we got out of the pool we went to our bunks to get dressed. Then I went to my bunk with my friends and we went to bed.

October Thursday 28 2021: 

Me and my friends woke up at 6:37AM to have a shower and clean our bunk rooms and obviously get dressed. At 7:30AM breakfast was served :). I had weetbix with peaches and also toast with jam. We walked into Don's shed, a place in living springs. We had 4 activities to do in our 4 tribes. The first thing ym tribe did was the bouldering wall which was my 3rd favourite. Then my tribe had to do bush ecology which was boring but cool so I placed it in 4th place. Then we had initiatives which I placed 2nd coming VERY close to 1st. The challenges were hard but also fun! I think I won with an amazing team. We got through quite a bit. 1st place for me was low ropes! Mostly because I had Vern in my group and he was like a clumsy acrobat, I couldn't stop laughing! He went against Mrs Lee in one of the challenges and her face had me on the floor cracking up. Vern was swinging through like Tarzan singing Let It Go. When we got back to camp we had free time for about 15 minutes. I just watched people play basketball and I also played on the tramps. After that we had another camp auction and I bought nothing. Then we had dinner and once again went swimming. This time the splash game expanded and I was having the time of my life. It was fun to splash people. One of the adults even joined my team! I was lucky and had goggles so when someone splashed me it didn't hurt my eyes. After swimming we had one more auction, but only for people who have brought nothing and then  a movie. We watched Sonic The Hedgehog. Before we went to bed my bunk wrote in our diaries and none of us couldn't stop laughing at Zoes jokes. Yawned

October Friday 29 2021: 

Jaydah woke me and my bunk mates up at 6:00 to shower and get ready for the day. :/ . I packed my bag with all my clothes making sure I leave nothing behind. My ears jumped when I heard the whistle blow. I ran to the cafeteria to eat. I picked a table close to the food for me and my friends. Our backs shot up when we saw the teachers coming. We were the first people to get breakfast :). For breakfast I had 2 toasts and a hot chocolate which was full of chocolate flavour. I didn't want to leave. My thoughts were confusing and nervous. I felt my heart slowly beating. My bunk room and I ran onto our balcony and went on our last bush walk around our cabin. The wind kept pushing us further and further till we got to the trampolines. Jaydah got on the tramp with some boys and I just watched, staring at the bus. Since I couldn't do much on the trampolines I didn't really go on them. My body was standing up slowly walking away to see if anyone noticed. No one did so I just walked to the basketball court to shoot some hoops so I could practice for netball. The whistle blew again. It was almost time to go :(. But luckily it was just lunch time! We had cheesy pasta with a healthy salad and a smoothie. I washed down our table when we were down. Ofa was the only one that helped me. I ran to my friends to play truth or dare on the playground. My legs were starting to ache again. I guess that walk still hasn't worn off. I saw everybody playing games and having heaps of fun. The whistle blew. It was time to go. The teachers gave a speech about making sure we have everything and then awards were given out to the parent helpers that came along. Time to get on the bus! I sat at the front with Miss Ferguson. We played I Spy and got through a lot. The bus driver even played! When we got back I went home straight away and had the biggest cuddles.