
Friday, July 2, 2021

Batman's great day

 Hey guys! This week for writing we have been focusing on compound sentences. Once we finished writing out 10 ( In my compound post ) we wrote about a photo we found on pobble. The photo was of Batman at a Bagels, Donuts and soup, shop. We could write it in any way we like. I decided to write how Batman got to the shop! I hope you enjoy and here is my work!:

Noun: Blue, Verb: Yellow and Fanboys: Green.

One foggy Saturday afternoon, 1998, in Gotham City, Batman woke up to a BAM! He threw his bat suit on and covered his face with his black mask. He sprinted outside to see the Joker laughing his head off. The Joker was skipping around throwing TNT all over Batman's island. Batman grasped his grappling hook and chucked himself to Joker. Joker was not scared nor surprised, he was expecting this. They started to fight. Batman threw the first 6 punches and Joker took it well. Mr.J (joker) grabbed his bat and tried to hit Batman but he missed multiple times. Then out of nowhere..POW! Robin flew into the battle like a butterfly. He knocked Joker out with the back kick that Batman taught him. Batman looked at Robin and was surprised he remembered his training from 1992. Batman smiled. Robin went in for a hug but Batman walked away. “ Sorry RobinBatman said, “ But I am hungry after that fight” and he wiped his mask as if he had sweat on it. But Robin knew he just didn’t want to hug him. Batman grappled away and arrived at Bagels, Donuts and Soup. He sat down like a princess and ordered some soup. He drank it carefully yet spilt it all over himself. THE END

Have you ever spilt soup on yourself? I know I have! I hope you liked my work and found it funny! I really enjoyed writing this it was very fun! Thanks for reading!

Have a nice day


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