
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Anne Frank!

WALT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts.

 Hey guys! We have been focusing on inspirational people. This week we were given the same book choices as last week. This week I chose to read about Anne Frank. I really enjoyed learning about Anne Frank and how she is informational. I think Anne  Frank was very brave for what she did. She was Jewish and was alive during World War ll. You may know about Adolf Hitler and how he pretty much started World War ll. Anne Frank and her family were scared and fled the country to hide in Holland. She lived in a house, went to school and had friends! But then Hitler came to Holland. Anne Frank hid in a attic with the help of other people. She wrote in a diary about her feelings. NOW! Before I get carried away, my 1st create task explains the whole story. I give this book a 5/5! This was one of the most interesting journal I have ever read. How would you feel if you were there for World War ll?'

Create Task 1: How do your 3 texts link together? Fill in all 3 columns with your 3 texts. How do your other 2 texts help you connect with your main story?

I have highlighted what I think connects my 2 texts with my main story.

Create task 2: Create a fact file on the person you are reading about. How is your main character a inspiration? Choose 5 inspirational things about your person and present it on a DLO.

Create task 3: Come up with your own Inspirational definition and how you can be a inspiration. Then come up and create your own inspirational poster.

How would you feel if you were in WWII? I would feel TERRIFIED! I hope you enjoyed this post and learnt something new :)
Have a nice day



  1. Kia ora KK, i like how you have added all the info about Anne Frank. If i was there for world war ll i would hate it if i could not go outside and see my Best friends. I Cant think of anything that you could change.

  2. Hey Karaitiana.
    WOW!! you added lots of description on your blog. And i also liked you did your inspirational.
    Well done!!
    Keep it up!

  3. Hey KK
    WOW!! you have done alot of work keep it up

  4. Wow KK
    I love your work. You finished everything in just a couple days. You are an amazing worker. Keep up the amazing work! :D


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