
Thursday, June 3, 2021

The Red Ball!

 Hey guys! This week we are reading about fairy tales!!! I picked a book called, The Red Ball, it was about how 2 sisters were complete opposites. One day the shy older sister got very jealous of her younger sister and made a deal with a evil fairy, to make her sister disappear. Ida ( Older sister ) wanted her sister back so she had to figure out who the real May was.The fairy duplicated May ( the younger sister). The shy sister ends up saving her younger sister by throwing a ball. Only 1 catches it. The characters are Ida, May, Fairy and Mum. The story was set in a  playground and magical forest. The problem was that May disappeared. The solution was, ball was thrown. 1 sister caught the ball. The fairy was mad and the deal was broken. Hope you enjoy my work!

Create task 2:

Create a comic strip with 8 scenes from your story:

I hope you enjoyed my work! Sorry this was a bit rushed.
Have a nice day


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