
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Whats the matter?

Hello readers,
Today and Monday I made my create task. I had to make a comic or animation on what I think would happen next in the story I read which was "Whats The Matter? This story is about a boy who got a test model of a box.A box that made whatever you say appear. But since it was a test model you could only ask for something with 3 words.E.g.: Vanilla(1 word) Ice (2 word) cream (3 word). If you want the thing you ordered to disappear you had to say Cancel.But he starts saying things..with DOUBLE MEANINGS and things get messy….literally.This was really fun to predict and the ending was SO funny!This was my prediction:I think that the parents will come into Dans room and ground him.I also think that they will make him clean his room with his savings!I hope you enjoy this and agree with my prediction.If you dont thats fine :) !ENJOY!WALT:Use prior knowledge and context to predict what will happen next!

Do you have any other predictions? If you do comment what your prediction is.I would also really like some feedback please!I really would like some.I hope you enjoyed this post!
Have a nice day


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