
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

My Spagen!

Hello viewers,
Last week our Writing teacher read us " Where The Wild Things Are". It was very interesting. After we read the book we had to come up with an animal with 4 different animals. You could pick ANY animal you wanted.I picked a Sloth Head, Panda Body *Which looks like a penguin body :(*  Pig arms and chicken feet. HER name is Splanda and she is a Spagen. The fist thing we had to do was plan. Plan what out monster would act like and look like. Then we had to make a Character Description on our animal. After we did our description, we had to go on a Google Drawing and make out animals out of pictures or we can trace out animals. After out Google Drawing we had to DRAW our animal on A3 paper.Then we had to colour and cut it out.Then Mrs Lee put our animals on the wall (Not all of them..YET!) and she is going to send us  a picture of out animals. (Which has not been done....YET!). I hope you enjoy and like my monster.
WALT:Write a problem in a narrative.WALT:Write the solution in a narrative!

This is Splanda :)
Splanda  is a 17 year old Spagen who lives in a jungle called Spandandia.
Splanda was a result 
from scientists. They wanted to create an animal  no one has ever seen or heard of.
A Spagen. She has the head of a sloth, the body of a panda, pig arms and chicken legs.
After Splanda was made scientists became mad and started making heaps of Spagens!
But the Spagens didn't like their home.They lived in a LAB with scientists everywhere.
So one night the Spagens ran away to a jungle.They came up with a name...Spandandia.
Now all the Spagens are safe.
Splanda has a very normal personality.She gets her laziness from the sloth.
Her shyness and cuteness from the panda.She is cautious from the pig and
weird feet from the chicken.
Also long nails...from the chicken!
Splanda is funny and a little scary because her pig teeth.Shes also quite chubby!
Since Splanda has pig arms it is hard for her to reach things from a simple distance away.
She eats bamboo, seeds, berries and veggies.Also fruit. She sleep in trees,mud and hay...
if she can find some.
She can run fast but slower than the normal human speed because her chubbiness.
She loves to roll around in mud and sleep all day . Shes quite cute when she sneezes.
She loves food and the words “Just relax Splanda”

Do you have any ideas of who Splandas friends could be.If you can MAKE UP an animal and tell me his/her traits.I think Splanda would love new friends.Thank you guys so much for checking out my blog.When I get the photo of Splanda I will add it onto this blog post. Promise.
Have a nice day


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