- Pick a setting to describe..then describe it! With the 5 senses (See,Smell,Hear,Touch and emotions.
- Pick two other people to be in you group (in my case, Skyla and Ella)
- Put you descriptive plans together
- Make 5 paragraphs using your plan. The paragraphs will be your 5 senses you did in your plan.
- After you have completed ALL you paragraphs, introduce your monsters that you created. I created Splanda in week 3? Then we had to put in all our monsters.
- Once you put all your monsters in (in the monster paragraphs there should be the 5 senses) come up with 3 problems.
- Once you have your 3 problems create seperate docs of YOUR problem in that doc. (You had to come up with your own problem)
- Once all the problems have been finished, put EVERYTHING (except your plan) onto Google Slides.
- Blog it!
P.S. If you checked out Skylas Blog or Ellas Blog and they did not have my story, its because I was not at school.
P.S. If you checked out Skylas Blog or Ellas Blog and they did not have my story, its because I was not at school.
Have a nice day
Really awesome work girls,excellent descriptions in your stories I could imagine what it was like to actually be there. I especially liked it when I could pick where to go in the story. Next time maybe instead of describing I can smell... I can smell.... I can hear.... I can hear you could mix it up a it, for example the smell of bananas or the scent of the flowers or the fresh air filled my nose. You worked really well as a team it was great to read all the different characters view points. You should all be proud of your hard work.