
Thursday, June 4, 2020

Polar Bears

Hello Viewers,
Today and this week I have been writing a Information Report about Polar Bears.This has taking me this week to write and perfect.Then it took today to put on a google doc.I hope in this report you learn something cool about polar bears, and maybe even something emotional.You may not but you might.Hope you like this.
Polar Bears
Do you know anything else about Polar Bears?
If you do comment what you know or learnt.I hope you liked this Information Report.
Also a Thanks to Mrs Lee and Mrs T for helping me correct my writing.
P.S if you cant get on to the doc comment and I will fix it.
Have a nice day



  1. Hi Karatiana
    What a great detailed report on polar bears. I loved the way you used questions to introduce each new sub heading for your report. I didn't know Polar bears ate like they are on diet. I am looking forward to reading your next report?

    1. Hi Miss Bunting, thanks for the comment.When i found out Polar bears dont eat much I was surprised to!I hope you like my new report!
      (Its about Tortoises and Turtles)
      Have a nice day



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