
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Matariki Create Task

Hello Readers,
today and yesterday I have created my create task.If you have been reading my blog posts, you should know what a create task is.If you dont know,that means you haven been checking out my blog...WHAT ARE YOU DOING!I´m kidding, a create task is a challenge that our teacher sets us to do.This week the create task I chose was what happens before and after the Matariki celebration?I hope you enjoy and learn something new about this Maori tradition.Here is my task.ENJOY!
P.S. I had to link this because I could not get it working.
Do you know anything else the NgaPuhi tribe does at Matariki?If you do comment how you found out this information and when.I hope you enjoyed and learnt something new and cool about Matariki. This took me a while to make so I would love some feedback.If it doesnt come up comment and I will fix it.Thanks for reading my blog.
Have a nice day


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