
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Creation of Night and Day....

 WALT: Analyse and evaluate the actions and story lines of Maori myths and ledgends

Hey guys! This week and last week, to celebrate Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori, for reading we have been focusing on Maori myths and legends. I chose the book, The creation of night and day.This book was about how the Maori think the world was created. Papatuanuku and Ranginui were lying on top of each other bringing darkness upon the world/them. Tāne Mahuta pushed them apart with his legs and brought light into the world. It was really interesting and was fun to learn about. I hope you enjoy my Maori work!

Create task 1:
Analyse your story. Who are the characters? Where was it set? What is the problem? What are some of the actions in your story? How did it end? How were the characters feeling?

Create task 2:
How do you feel about the decisions your character/s made? Give 3 reasons why you agree or disagree about this statement.

Create task 3:
Create a glossary for the Maori words in your book. Once you have done that, turn it into a animation and publish to your blog.


  1. Hi KK I loved your create tasks! But I think you have forgoten the walt. bye!

    1. Hi Soi, thanks for reminding me about the WALT I completely forgot, I will change it now!
      - KK

  2. Hi Karaitiana!
    I just read your post and it really interested me!
    My favourite create task that you posted was probably the 3rd create task, but I also liked the first one because you put the photos of the boxes in it so it gave me a better picture of what you had to do, I know that I did the same thing but if I hadn't I probably whouldn't have known. Something you could do next time is hmm I'm not sure probably put the WALT in like soi said but other that that I can not think of anything else!
    - Hannaneh

    1. Hi Hannaneh!
      Thanks for commenting. Thanks for reminding me about my WALT just like Soi 😂 I have just added it in😊
      - Karaitiana


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2. Thoughtful - A comment that will mean something to me to let me know you read/watched or listened to what I had to say. - use any language.
3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
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