
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Lockdown Maths!

 Hey guys! On the last day of school for maths we were focusing on standard form and regrouping. Now that we are in lockdown, for ,maths we just continued on our standard form but this time on our Chromebooks. Standard form is one of my favourite math strategies. We had to watch 2 videos explaining regrouping standard form. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you can, before you see my answers, can you answer the question yourself?

Do you like to use standard form? If you do, why do you like using standard form.
I would love any type of feedback or just correcting my wrong answered questions, but I think their all right.
- Karaitiana


  1. Hey KK, wow you have worked very hard on your standard form!

    Did you know when I went to school standard form was used most of the time. I like it too when I have a pen and paper. However I found when I was working at a supermarket and giving change (while I was at university) standard form was a little tricky to work out in my head. I like using a combination of standard form and bridging or doubling and halving. I know everyones brains work differently.

    What is your favourite back up strategy if you can't do standard form?

    Thank you for sharing, I look forward to your next blog post.

    1. Hi Miss Ferguson thanks for your comment. I can imagine how hard it would be to try and work standard form in your head, Im trying to do it right now! If I cannot do standard form, I usually go to PV ( Place Value ) and then its easier for me to work out the ones, tens etc.

      - Karaitiana


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