
Tuesday, May 4, 2021


Hey guys! This week for reading I picked a book about Aliens! My book was about an Alien named Ash, he was sent down to Earth by his leader to investigate humans and their planet for his leaders conquest. The first create task was to write down what the story was about, the characters, the setting and the problem and solution. Then we had to write down facts from the other two texts we read and listened to. (Complementary and Challenge). The second create task was to create a new ending for you book, then explain why you chose that ending. The third create task was to come up with 5 questions to ask Ash as if you were a police officer. Then we could post it on our blog! Which I am doing right now.
I hope you enjoy my create tasks and learn something about aLiEnS!
WALT: Evaluate ideas and information in a narrative text

Create task 1
If you cant read what is in the 1st create task it says:

My story was about an Alien named Ash, he was sent down to Earth by his leader to investigate humans and their planet for his leaders conquest. ( Blog description )

The characters were: Ash, a group of kids playing baseball and the Alien leader. The story is set in a baseball field. The problem that Ash was learning humans language and facing humans that he thought were vampires. To solve the problem, he started to write to his great leader to cancel the invasion, because Earth is to hard to investigate.

People think that Aliens are on Venus! Floating on clouds!!!

In 1967, Carl Sagan's suggested that the clouds on Venus could support alien life, and a team of scientists are backing this idea up with new info!

People say that Aliens are smart and could read our minds!

Scientists have not found aliens yet, but they listen for messages.

In 1947 a flying object crashed near Mexico.

Then the last box is my blog description

Create task 2

Create task 3

Do you know anything about Aliens? If you do comment down below what you know or what you learnt. I would love it if you gave me some feedback! So I can work on it next time so it is even better. I hope you enjoyed this post!
Have a nice day


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