
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Reading Big Shift

 Hey guys.Today Im posting my reading work for the week.(The bold writing is a description of the book!) We had to pick a cool book, read it 3 times. 1. With a teacher. 2. With a buddy 3. Independent. Once you read the book 3 times we had to watch the other 2 texts on the site.The create tasks are still the same, make a character profile template and create an animation on what a good friend is! Also, since I finished my work early, I was told by my teacher Mrs Lee to create a poster on what a good friend is. SO i did, on Piktochart , it was really fun doing extra tasks.What my book is about.My book was about a boy who lived in they country with his mum, dad and family until his parents spilt up, the kids went with mum to the city and dad stayed in the country. At first the main character disliked the city because he missed everything at the farm! But after a while he started liking things the hearing the different languages and smelling the different smells and just being nosy. One day he saw 2 kids beating up a foreign kid so he went down there and broke up the fight. The boys said that they will bring their older brother with fists and the main character said that he was SO scared. After that he became friends with the boy, Tomo, and his friend Somalia. They always played together while they were waiting for the laundry. So the moral of the story is about being a good friend and how things change. Thats what I think anyway! So I hope you enjoy this post!
WALT:Show an understanding of what we read by making connections to the text.

Have you ever moved somewhere? Are you a good friend? If you have comment where you moved and how you felt. If your a good friend comment how. I hope you liked this post and learnt something or enjoyed something!
Have a nice day


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