
Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 Hey guys!
Sorry I haven't been posting much. Anyway! This week for reading we were given 7 book choices from National Geographic. I chose.......MONKEYS! I love monkeys and they are one of my favourite animal. I also want to learn new stuff about them. Thats why I chose monkeys! We were given 2 tasks. No.1 : Fill out the questions on the site WITH full sentence answers. No.2: Pick two tasks from the white boxes :

Once you have done that, you had to post your work on your blog. For the two tasks I chose "
Create a quiz and Create a Word Search!
But since I finished early I had too do all three. Which was not that bad!
This was really fun and I hope you like it.ENJOY!
WALT: To make connections to self, other texts and the world.

Word search:

Word Search Explanation:
Why did I choose the word : Primates? I chose the word primate because Monkeys ARE primates. Primates are animals known for their big brains. Why did I chose: Arboreal?I chose arboreal because thats what most monkeys are. Arboreal means that they live in trees. Why did I chose: Habitat? I chose Habitat because monkeys live in..habitats! Habitat is a place someone or an animal lives. Why did I chose: Monkeys? I chose monkeys because I am reading about Monkeys. Why did I chose: Troops? I chose troops because thats what a group of monkeys are called. Why did I chose: Tails? I chose Tails because monkeys have VERY long tails. Why did I chose: Groom? I chose Groom, because monkeys groom each other. Why did I chose: Furry? I chose Furry because monkeys are very furry and cuddly. Especially the Golden Snub nosed monkeys. Why did I chose: Noses? I chose noses because monkeys have quite unusual noses. Why did I chose: Cute? I chose cute because monkeys are very cute. Why did I chose: Long? I chose long because monkeys have very long bodies and tails.

Do you know any other facts about MONKEYS! If you do comment what you know. Also if you learnt something new comment what you learnt. I hope you liked this. Please give me some feedback on what I can do next time!
Have a nice day


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