
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Matariki Create task 3 (Art)

Hello viewers,
today and yesterday I created a Matariki pastel night sky.I really enjoyed this and I think it looks awesome!To get to the publishing stage i had to:Make mountains with paper,trace the outside of the mountains on the black piece of paper using light pastels(Make sure they are thick lines),smudge the pastels with my finger to get a aurora look,take yellow pastel and draw circles above the the mountains,take the mountain stencil i cut out off the paper,get Mrs Lee to send me the link for my art and then post it to my blog.This took me a day to complete and if you do it I bet it will look amazing!I hope you enjoy my art and find it very pretty.WALT:Identify and summarise the main ideas across different texts,.ENJOY!!!
Would you like to try this Matariki pastel art?If you do comment when you want to do it and if you can give me a picture so I can see.I hope you enjoyed my last create task for the term.I will see you again next term.BYE
Have a nice Term
Have a nice day



  1. Hi karaitiana i love your art work i also love the colour's that you used great Job .

    1. Hello Tayla-Jayne, thanks for commenting on my blog.DO you have any questions?If you do please reply.Enjoy you day!
      Have a nice day

      Karaitiana :D

  2. Hey,Karaitiana (AKA) KK

    I really like your work i think it is a great thing to use to celebrate Matariki on your blog. My question is how long did it take you to create your Matariki art and why you picked to do that i really like how you have not put down to many mountains other whys it would look really squished oh and to answer your question on your blog post yes i would like to do this and i was going to do this before i hurt my back and could not go to school.What you could maybe do next time is change the colour of the noght sky not the yellow stars just the pink and blue colour in my opinion i think it clashes a bit and look a bit out of place. From:Sapphire (AKA) SS :D

    1. noght is supposed to say night sorry i could not edit it :(

    2. Hi Sapphire,
      Thanks for commenting.Next time ( if i do this again ) I will change the colours.I didn't want to make them to dark because we (well I) was told to do light colours.But anyway THANKS SO MUCH FOR COMMENTING!!!
      Have a nice day



To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - Begin with a greeting. Talk about something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A comment that will mean something to me to let me know you read/watched or listened to what I had to say. - use any language.
3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
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