
Monday, May 4, 2020

The Circus

Hello viewers,
Today I have done some writing.It is about a circus.IN this story there are 3 acts.I hope they interest you. This took me about 3 or 2 minutes to write and decorate.I hope you like reading my story.
Here it is:
The Circus

 Have you ever been to a circus? IF you  have comment what circus and your favourite act they did.I have been to a circus.I went to the "Zirka Circus".My favourite act was either the clown,Motorbikes or the contortion.I hope you liked this.
Stay Safe



  1. Hi Karaitiana
    Great descriptions of the circus my friend. I have been to a circus and I really enjoyed the motorcycle act. The clowns always make it funny. If you were in a circus what act would you like to be able to do?

    1. Hi Petra,thanks for the comment. If I were in a circus I would be able to be.. a...CLOWN!!! I asked my dad and he said ACROBAT! I'm not that sure if I could be an Acrobat But I would give it a go.

    2. I agree with your Dad, I would like to be an acrobat too. They seem to be so elegant!

  2. Hi Karaitiana
    Wow, What an amazing piece of writing, you really had me hook and I love your use of descriptive works and words that have emphasis on them. I have been to the circus, but not for many years. The circus I went to was mainly with animals, which is now quite sad to think about. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to seeing more.

    Mrs T

    1. Hi Mrs T, thanks for the comment.I hope I didn't make you feel to sad.I have been as you know to the Zirka Circus.I miss you and mum does to.
      Stay Safe


  3. Hi Karaitiana
    Great piece of writing.
    No I have never been to a circus. Sounds like it would be an amazing thing to go and see.
    Mrs Snook

    1. Hi Mrs Snook,thanks for the comment.I think you would like the circus.It is really fun and they might have cotton candy.
      Stay Safe



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