
Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Supreme Whiz food changer.

Hey guys,
this is a post of my 
¨Supreme Whiz food Changer¨
Mrs Thoms told us to make a model of your machine for our writing.Its been REALLY fun.
My machine makes you food into a diffrent type of food.
For Example:You have a banana but you want jelly.You put the banana into the machine and it does its magic.
Here is my model.

I hope you guys thought this was cool. BYEEE!!! Karaitiana is Signing out.


  1. Kia Ora Karaitiana its Cyan i like this machine.I would use this machine for a lot food.I think this is very very use full as to mine not so much.But I still recommend this for real life if it could be in real life

    Sincerely Cyan

    1. Hey Cyan,
      Thank you so much for this comment, I really appreciate it.
      And I dont think i will actually be made...becuase how am i going to get food to change to a diffret food.😂
      I am going to make a model of it.

      Kind regaurds,
      Karaitiana(aka KK).


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