
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Christmas tree with Toroa buddies!

 Hey guys! Today Toroa came to Ruru to help us with shape geometry. We had to create a Christmas tree or a normal tree on a google drawing with them! My buddies were Koey and Armaahi. They helped me with what colours to pick and what to add. We decided to make a Christmas tree, a fireplace, a snowman. a house and snow! This was so much fun! Here it is :)

What do you like about it? This was so much fun to do with Koey and Armaahi. They helped a lot too! 
Thanks for reading this post :)
Have a good day


Friday, December 3, 2021

Matthew´s writing!

 Hey readers. This week for buddy reading my buddy was Matthew. He had some amazing stories and the story he read to me wads about a greedy cat. I bet you guys have heard of the Greedy cat. Matthew´s story is so good I am very proud of him. Here it is!

Greedy cat went to the school for lunch.

I hope you enjoyed Matthews story. Comment what you liked about it! Also, Matthew wrote his story on my blog by himself!
Have a good day
Karaitiana and Matthew