
Thursday, October 22, 2020


 Hey guys!
Welcome back to my blog. This week in reading, we got to pick from more "National Geographic"! We were given 7 books and we had a choice to pick which book we got to read! I chose.... GIRAFFES! I barely knew anything about them except that they are the tallest animal in the world! So learning about them was really fun! Me and my BFF Sapphire helped each other with the tasks, so go check out what she has made! She deserves some credit! We had to do 3 create tasks. Answer questions and you got to pick the other two. I chose write a narrative about an encounter with a giraffe and, Giraffe physical features that help them survive!I hope you enjoy this, and hopefully you learn something new.ENJOY!
WALT:To understand what we are reading by answering questions about the text!

Encounter with a Giraffe.

Isla loves animals. She likes studying them and learning new things about them. Her favourite animal would have to be a Giraffe. She is always looking for them if she's in Africa, but she has never had an encounter with one. She has seen one from far away but her camera couldn't capture the shot.

One Sunday morning in Africa, Isla went to go take some photos of animals that were nearby. She saw 7 elephants, 28 zebras, 4 lions, 2 spotted hyenas and 5 ostriches. Luckily for her she got all of her photos clear and one of every animal! She was still disappointed she didn't see a giraffe.

That's when she heard a rustle in the trees.She turned her cheek and there stood a herd of giraffes. Isla was full of joy and excitement but she couldn't scream or they would be frightened away. “Ah, there we go,West African giraffe. Lucky to see em” the African guide whispered to Isla. Isla’s smile got bigger. “Can I go up close to one?” asked Isla. “Eh, you might as well, but be very quiet and slow and careful. They can hear ya know” replied the African guide. Isla’s grin got even bigger and she looked so happy the guide smiled! Isla slowly hopped out of the car. Her camera was in her hand ready to capture the shot. The giraffe looked above Isla but luckily she was too short. She was crawling on her knees. But then she saw a tight thick rope tied around the leg of the giraffe. Then she slowly turned her head. The giraffe was completely tied down. Isla’s smile was wiped right off her face. She got out her pocket knife. The giraffe moaned. *Slice. Krrrrrrrrr*. The ropes were off the legs of the giraffe. *Quick take the photo before it runs away* she thought. *CLICK* The photo was taken.

As soon as the giraffe heard the click, he or she ran away. Isla was full of delight. She ran back to the car. “Ye get any good photos?” asked the guide. Isla looked at her camera. “Yes, I did. It's..perfect” She whispered.

Do you know any other facts about giraffes. If you do comment what you know. If you knew nothing comment what you learnt.I would really like you feedback please! 
Have a nice day


Friday, October 16, 2020


 Hey guys!
Welcome back to my blog.This week in reading we have been reading National Geographic books! There were 6 books to chose from and I chose...... FROGS! I have always wanted to learn more about frogs and I did!Its was really fun seeing new facts about frogs. They are far more interesting than you think. In this blog post I am putting in 3 create tasks. One will be answering some questions about frogs, WITH full answers. The second will be a narrative about an encounter with a poisonous dart frog.Then my last task will be physical features in a dart frog that helps them survive.I hope you enjoy this post! WALT: To understand what we are reading by answering questions about a text!


The Poisonous Dart Frog... 


Sapphire is a herpetologist. A herpetologist is someone who studies reptiles and amphibians. She has long golden hair and glimmering hazel eyes. She also has a button nose. She loves frogs and studying them.Sometimes she wishes she was a frog. 

 On a boiling Saturday evening she went out to Colombia, South America. While she was there, she went into the woods which was right behind the small remote village she stayed at for three whole days.The trees were as thick and hard as bricks. The leaves are as light as feathers. Every time she stepped a stick would break.CREEK.She had to swim through a thick river to get to the other side.The farther she walked, the quieter the sounds got. Ribbet. Ribbet. Ribbet. She heard her favourite animal talking to her. A FROG! Sapphire started running towards the sound. Ribbet, Ribbet. The faster she ran the louder the frog got. 

 Ribbet, Ribbet, Ribbet! Sapphire was sprinting with her camera in her hand and her water bottle in the other.She was getting worn out. She decided to stop and have a drink of cool, fresh ice cold water.Gulp,gulp,gulp,gulp,gulp.The croaking stopped. Sapphire was confused?Sapphire looked down beside her, and there it was… the terribilis. Sapphire was frightened.She slowly put her drink bottle down. This was a moment to capture. Even if she's risking her life.She didn't know what to do if she was face to face with a poisonous frog she thought she should stay low, and stay quiet. But she didn't know if it was going to work. 

She slowly brought her camera to her eye. *Slow and steady* she thought. CLICK! She took the photo.The frog looked her in the eye and jumped towards her. He must be shy.Sapphire fell to the ground. Her camera fell out of her hand. “NO!” She hooted. She cautiously crawled towards her camera.Swipe! She got it before the frog reached.*How can a beautiful frog be so dangerous!?!?* She thought to herself.Swoosh! The frog was at her feet. Sapphire started sprinting like she never had before!She was breathing faster than a newborn baby. “ LEAP!” She thrusted herself over the thick river. Criss cross through the trees.She halted. Then turned around. The frog would not make the jump.She knew. Lucky for her...she was right.She jogged back to the small village.Then she took a look at her picture. “Perfect” she whispered. 

Do you know any more facts about frogs or toads? If you do comment what you know. If you dont know anything comment something you learnt or liked. I would really appreciate it if you gave me some feedback!Thanks for reading
Have a nice day


Monday, October 12, 2020

Different types of Media!

 Hello guys!

Today we had to do a create task for cycbersmarts. The task was to find different types of media. Media is a shared platform where information is easily accessed in a variety of forms. Example: The web, the news , internet, books.Once we thought of some media we had to make a google slide or google drawing with all the media we thought of in the post. I chose a google drawing and thought of  9 media plat forms.This was really fun to do and I hope you enjoy.

WALT:We are learning different things about media.

Do you know any other media plat forms? If you do comment what other media plat forms you thought of.I hope you enjoyed this post and learnt something new about media.
Have a nice day
